Thursday 20 December 2012

Christmas Concerts

The class did an amazing job at both Christmas concerts yesterday.  Thank you again to Ethan's mum, Laura, for capturing the excitement and enthusiasm on film and sharing the photos with all of us!  Some of these photos are from the afternoon show and others are from the evening show.
The songs we sang alone were a Cree song about the spirit Mother and "Celebrate the Holiday".
With all the primary classes, we sang "Santa Claus is Coming to Town", "Candles Burning" and "Santa is in Jamaica".

Snowy School Day

Many thanks to Ethan's mum for taking these great photos of the students playing in the snow on Monday!



Group #1

Haley D, Alexis and Haylea W

James Bennett


James Btt and Rayne

Lucian, Connor and Sarah


Group #2

Sarah and Ethan

Monday 17 December 2012

Everyone Deserves A Smile

What an amazing event to be involved in - You should all be very proud of your efforts to give everyone a smile. These bags with essentials, cookies and your homemade Christmas card will put a smile on the face of the homeless.

Merry Christmas Everyone!
Ms. Croonen