Wednesday 21 November 2012

Balloon Rocket!

As scientists, we are learning about air.  Our recent experiments have all shown us something about the properties of air.
Last week, we blew up a balloon and let it go.  As we all predicted, the balloon flew all around the classroom and then fell to the floor. We know that the air inside a balloon is crowded and squishy and it just wants to get out of the balloon as fast as possible.
This week, we made a Balloon Rocket.  We put a long string through a short straw and tied the string to a chair.  Then we taped a blown-up balloon to the straw.  When we let the balloon go, the balloon and the straw rocketed all the way down to the far end of the string.  We used air to power our rocket!
Many of us predicted that the balloon would pop along the way but luckily it didn't.  We were able to repeat the experiment over and over again.
Ready,  Set ....
It didn't even pop!

(Sorry about the rotation...I can't seem to rotate it!)

Try it at home!
Supplies Needed:
4 ft of string or thread
1 balloon
1 straw (cut in half)
two pieces of scotch tape
Tie one end of the string to a chair leg
Feed the other end of the string through the straw
Blow up the balloon and tape it securely to the straw
Hold on to the free end of the string and let go!

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